
Showing posts from February, 2018

Flashback: Advice for Freshmen and Sophomores

I've noticed that this blog might be incredibly unhelpful if you're not an upperclassmen, so I thought I could take the time to give some underclassmen some college-related advice. Obviously, being a freshman and sophomore is stressful enough (trust me, I've been there). But here are some things I recommend you do during these two years as you start to barrel towards your junior year. As a Freshman... 1. Toy around with career interests, and maybe the kind of schools that could fit those tentative plans. I get it. You're fourteen. Senior year is far away. Even my eager self who jumped at a career path in my sophomore year had no idea what she wanted to do when she was a freshman. At the same time, you don't want to be a senior approaching college apps without any clue of what your career interests are. Take the time as a freshman to just lightly consider it. It's probably been itching at the back of your head at some point, right? 2. Meet with your counse...

Taking Care of Yourself

Self-care, physically and mentally, is really important. Since early February is the beginning of the wait between ED/EA decisions and RD decisions, you have some time that you can use to focus on yourself. Here are tips to keep you healthy not only physically, but mentally as well. 1. Do things you love. Whether that's something strenuous as exercising or something as relaxed as listening to music, putting yourself in a stress-free zone is paramount in putting your mind at ease. Personally, I started to listen to more genres of music after submitting all my college applications, and discovering new music has always made my mind really happy and at ease. I also watched a lot of films in theaters, something I always wish I can do more. Catch up on a TV show you've been meaning to get to. Eat good food. Clean your room if you need to declutter. You deserve it. 2. Try something new that you've had to put on the back burner for so long. Whether that's picking up a ne...