Thank You

Dear Reader,

Today's blog post marks the final post of this academic year-long project. I just want to extend a massive thank you for anyone who has read any of my previous posts (even if this is the first post you're reading on this blog, thank you!).

I've decided that I wanted to enjoy my last couple of weeks as a senior in high school with as little added stress, so that is why today's post is the last one. Getting In and Beyond has been a joy. I've enjoyed posting on here more so than I thought I would. Arguably, the readership hasn't been great (arguably, I'm not a great promoter of this blog), but I'm glad that people are still reading it, and from the little feedback I have received, the stuff I've written hasn't been completely unhelpful. I'd say that's a win for me.

I hope this blog has helped or will help you through the very complicated and sometimes-confusing journey to get into college. All posts will be archived on this site for the foreseeable future.

As someone who's gone through it all and has seen my friends go through it, I just want to let you know that it does get better, as corny and cliche as it sounds. I hope that you got something out of my biweekly posts, and that reading my posts has alleviated some of your concerns. I'm obviously not your only resource. There will always be someone to help guide you along the way.

I wish you a happy, healthy, and successful journey in whatever you do.




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